Members of Our School Community Council

Sonya Herman - Chairperson
Vacant - Vice Chairperson
Brenda Stringer - Treasurer
Kim Weber - Secretary
Tara-Leigh Heslip - PVSD Board Member, Sub-Division #4
Brenda Stringer - Dr. Isman Staff Representative
Connie Baumgartner - Dr. Isman Principal

School Community Councils are advisory bodies charged with the responsibility of supporting student achievement, opportunities and well-being at the school and community level.  SCC activities are aligned with the Education Sector Strategic Plan, the Prairie Valley Strategic Plan and the school Learning Improvement Plan. The focus of the SCC is to support the school in their learning improvement goals.

Upcoming SCC Meeting Dates, Times, and Locations

Wolseley SCC's Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 28th - 6:00 pm @ All Welcome!

Note: Regional SCC Meeting: March 14th in Montmartre

Meeting Minutes (below)